Our Sponsors

Melbourne Festival would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our sponsors without whom it just wouldn’t happen! The support of our sponsors is greatly appreciated and a glance through their websites will show what a thriving business community there is in and around Melbourne.

Melbourne Festival is organised by Arts Melbourne CIC, a Community Interest Company, we are a ‘Not for Profit’ organisation reinvesting any profit in local creative activities. Our income from Artists fees for the Art Trail and tickets for the Trail are in themselves insufficient to cover costs of an event the size of Melbourne Festival and the community events for local residents. This income raises approximately 80% of the annual cost of the festival and our activity in the community, to survive and remain fresh and vibrant Melbourne Festival needs support from local companies. Donations from our Sponsors is used for workshops with Schools, young people, the elderly and anyone in between who wants to engage with the Arts.